498 - establishment of the British authority unconditional. But an English Government does ncrt require the articles of a capitula tion to impose those duties which are prompted by a sense of justice and a beneficient disposition. The people of Java are exhorted to consider their new connection with England as founded on principles of mutual advantage, and to be con ducted in a spirit of kindness and affection! Providence has brought to them a protecting and benevolent Government, they will cheerfully perform the reciprocal duties of allegiance and attachment. 1. His Majesty's subjects in Java will be entitled to the same general privileges as are enjoyed by the natural-born subjects of Great Britain in Indiasubject to such regula tions as now exist or may hereafter be provided, respecting residence in any of the Honorable Company's territories. 2. They will have the same privilege and freedom of trade to and with all countries to the East of the Cape of Good Hope, and also with his Majesty's European dominions, as are possessed by natural-born subjects of Great Britain. 3. Dutch gentlemen will be eligible to all offices of trust and will enjoy the confidence of Government according to their respective characters, conduct and talents, in common with British-born subjects. 4. The vexatious system of monopoly, which is under stood to have heretofore prevailed, in some instances to an oppressive and inconvenient extentwill be revisedand a more beneficial and politic principle of administration will be taken into consideration as soon and to such extent as full information on the subject can be obtainedas established usage and habit may admitand as may be consistent with a due regard to the health and morals of the People. 5. The Dutch laws will remain provisionally in force under the modifications which will be hereinafter expressed, until the pleasure of the Supreme Authorities in England shall be known; and it is conceived that no material altera tion therein is to be apprehended. The modifications to be now adopted are the following:

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Indisch Militair Tijdschrift | 1879 | | pagina 509