24 - 48. In the event of the colony being invaded or assailed by a foreign enemy, and becoming the scene of active military operations, he will assume the entire military authority over the troops. 49. The foregoing regulations will hold good though the Governor may he a military officer senior in rank to the officer in command of the forces. (Wordt vervolgd.) De bepaling, die de Heer Storm van 's Gravesande bij dc behandeling van het tegenwoordige Regeeringsreglement in de Tweede Kamer aanhaalde (zie het eerste ge deelte van ons opstel) dateerde van 1821 en luidde: „If howewer the colony should be invaded or assailed by a.foreign enemy and become the scene of active military operations, the power of the civil government, to issue any such orders, will be suspended, and during any such emergency the officer in command of His Majesty's Land Forces will upon his own responsibility and without reference to the orders of the civil go vernor act in such manner as he may consider necessary for the defence of the colony." Die bepaling is meenen wij ten believe van den lndischen Vice-roy veranderd doch do beteekenis van the entire military authority over the troops in 48 en die van 49 te samen genomen, wil vrij wel hetzelfde zeggen, m. a. w. de Gouverneur voert dun niet meer het opperbevel. Zóó gesteld, is 48 f 49 minder shocking voor een On derkoning van Britsch-Indië dan de bepaling van 1824.

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Indisch Militair Tijdschrift | 1881 | | pagina 31