EENE NEDERLAAG EN EENE OVERWINNING VAN HET ENGELSCHE LEGER IN ZELELAND. Eene krijgsgeschiedkundige studie door E. K. A. de Neve. Dl. I, 1891. 1 Bronnen: Narrative of the field-operations connected with the Zulu-war of 1879; prepared in the intelligence branch of the quartermaster-generals department, Horse Guards, Waroffice. Correspondence relative to military affairs in Natal and the Transvaal, Waroffice, 13 Febr. 1879; presented to both houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty. Report of the expedition sent bij the government of Natal to instal Cetywayo as king of the Zulu's in succession to his deceased father Panda; presented to both houses of Parliament by command of Her Ma jesty, 6 Febr. 1875. Copy of reports of the officers 'commissioned by the treasury to inquire into recent expenditure in South-Africa. Return to an order of the honourable The House of Commons; ordered bij The nouse of Commons to be printed 18 March 1880. Revue militaire de 1'Etranger. 1878 en 1879. History of the Boers in South-Africa or the wanderings and wars of the emigrant farmer's from their leaving the Cape colony to the acknow ledgement of their independence by Great Britain, by George Mc. Call Theal of the Cape colonial service, member of the „maatschappij der Nederlandsche letterkunde te Leiden", membre correspon dant de la com mission pour l'histoire des Eglises Wallones. Author of „A compen dium of South-African history", „Kaffir Folk Lore" etc. 1887. With the Boers in the Transvaal and Orange Free State in 18801, by Charles L. Norris-Newman, special war correspondent and author of „In Zululand with the British" 1882. Mobilisation and embarkation of an army corps by lieut.-col. G. A. Furse. Deputy-Assistant-Quartermaster-General. Military Transport by lieut.-col. G. A. Furse, als voren. The Queens regulations and orders for the army. The soldiers pocket-book for field service by General Yiscount Wol- seley. Journal of the Royal United Service Institution, jaargang 1881. Army estimates for effective and non-effective services for 1890 91,

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Indisch Militair Tijdschrift | 1891 | | pagina 12