107 Bij de infanteriekorpsen bedroeg het verloop van 16 tot 36°/0 en was het gemiddeld 25°/ode cavalerie- en infanteriekorpsen waren aangevuld respectievelijk uit 6 en 29 regimenten. (1) Verdere gegevens omtrent sterkte, samenstelling enz. van de afgezonden troepenmacht geeft de volgende staat. (1) Return to an address ot the Honourable The House of Commons, dated 18 Febr. 1879; Return of the non-commissioned officers and privates of the 2nd, 21st, 58th, 3rd, 60th, 91st and 94th as they embark for active service for the Cape of Good Hope, showing- ages, length of service and number who have not completed their drill and musketry instruction; also number drawn to complete for service from other regiments in a olassified tabular form. War office, 29 April 1879. Return to an address of the House of Lords, dated 16th May 1879. Statement showing from what regiments the men were taken to complete the regiments sent to the Cape and also showing what was the strength of the regiments from which these drafts were taken after having furnished themand the ages of the men left in these regiments, described in the same manner as the ages of the men sent to the Cape. War office, 14 July 1879.

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Indisch Militair Tijdschrift | 1891 | | pagina 118