- 507 Art. 7. Van alle des nachts uit te zenden patrouilles of te leggen hinderlagen geeft hij tijdig kennis aan den Chef van den Staf. Rukken des nachts patrouilles uit van de posten of van andere korpsen, dan zullen de comman danten bij tijds den commandant der Maréchaussee daarvan mededeeling doen, die daarop met den Chef van den Staf de vereischte maatregelen vaststelt om botsingen te voorkomen. In eiken goed bestuurden staat wordt er streng tegen gewaakt, dat het leger niet het domein der politie en deze niet het domein van het leger betreedt. Tegen dit beginsel werd in Atjeh gezondigd. Welke diensten men in het Britsch-Indische leger aan den soldaat mag opdragen, leest men in de „Regulations and Orders for the army of the Bengal Presidency": „Soldiers of the regular army are only to be employed for purely military duties, and for which not mere watchmen but disciplined military sentries are considered necessary on essentially military grounds. Where guards are required to keep watch over stores, godowns (1), buildings, etc., the department requiring them, wether commissariat, public works, or other, is to arrange with the civil authorities for the provision of police-guards or watchmen (the cost of which is debitable to the department concerned), unless, as above stated, military considerations require the employment of a military guard." „Soldiers of the regular army are not to be employed for the purpose of escorting jail prisoners, nor in the custody of convicts, nor on other duties ordinarily of a civil nature and of an unmilitary character, unless, with regard to the rules contained in the two preceding paragraphs, their employment is on military grounds considered absolutely necessary." De in de voorgaande alinea bedoelde paragraphen luiden „Whenever, in consequence of police not being available for the duty, military authorities are called upon to furnish escorts from the troops under their command, an immediate report is to be made by the mili tary officer detailing the escort to the local government, in view to its being at once ascertained wether there really existed necessity for not employing or for denying the services of the police." „Whenever military escorts are applied for by the civil powers, a writ ten declaration is to be made by the proper police officer as to the state of the country through which the escort will have to pass, giving the reasons why the police is not sufficient in strength to afford the requi- red protection. This report is to be delivered to the senior military (I) Goedangs.

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Indisch Militair Tijdschrift | 1897 | | pagina 26