B14 12. Responsibility of calling out troopsrests with civil officers. It is for the civil officer, and him alone, to judge of the policy, the justice, or the necessity of the measure. For these he alone is responsible to the government he serves; and he is not called upon in duty either to justify his conclusions or to communicate his reasons to the military officer to whom he may address the requisition for troops. Although such manifestations of confidence or cordiality are always to be desired, he is only required by his strict duty to state distinctly (in writing) the service he desires to see performed and the necessity of troops for the purpose and to afford such further information as may be necessary to enable the officer in command efficiently to perform the service he is called upon to execute. 13. Military officers responsible for information of force, etc. The civil or political officer is not authorised to interfere in any way with the formation or details of the force, the military officer being held responsible for the success of the operations to be undertaken; and it is for the latter, and for him alone, to judge in what manner the troops can effect the object which the civil oificer has indicated, and to direct the force in the execution of the service in which it is engaged. 14. Assistance to be refused if force is inadequate. If, however, the military officer should consider his force inadequate for the perfor mance of the service required, or the service itself impracticable on pure ly military grounds, it would be competent to him to decline to accede to the requisition. But in so doing he must be prepared to justify his refusal to the satisfaction of the government he serves, and whose interests are affected by his acts. De sterkte van de gewapende macht, die in Indië politioneeleD bijstand moet verleenen, is zelden grooter dan eenepatrouille(iufanterie). In het Indische leger wordt van ouds, doch ten onrechte, de naam van patrouille gegeven aan een detachement, dat niet sterk genoeg is om kolome te worden genoemd, zonder bierbij aan de gewone beteekenis van patrouille te denken. Het Atjehsch militair spraakgebruik huldigt hetzelfde begrip Deze definitie van patrouille heeft in den Atjehschen oorlog, blijkens de journalen en gevechtsrapporten, het burgerrecht verkregen, maar dateert niet van dezeu oorlog. (1) De bevoegdheid om offensief te handelen bezit de patrouille in de tactiek ofhetveld- dienstreglement niet. De detachementen, die in Atjeh vóór Maart (1) Zie o. m. W. A. van Rees, ,De Bandiernmsinsehe krgg, 1859-1868," 2 dln., G. M. Yerspijck. „De generaal van Swieten en de waarheid, enz."

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Indisch Militair Tijdschrift | 1897 | | pagina 33