Leg-eb en vloot bij de verdediging van N.-I. [April 1912. Ra vervolgens gevraagd te hebben, wat bij toepassing van de aan de Engelsche Admiraliteit toegeschreven strategische denkbeelden, een verbond van Engeland met een vastelands- mogendheid zou beteekenen, vinden we verder vermeld: Op gevaar af eentonig te worden, willen we hier mede nog wijzen op een andere studie in hetzelfde tijdschrift, ge titeld: „The admiralty and the autumn crisis," door Lieute nant Alfred Dewar, R. N. Ook daaruit een enkele greep. Ook in verband met wat Kolonel Umbgrove zegt over den Italiaansch-Turkschen oorlog, trof ons de laatst aange haalde zinsnede bijzonder. Had Turkye een sterkere vloot bezeten, dan waren van de Italiaansche vloot groo^ere offers geëischt, maar, m aanmerking genomen de geestdrift, waar- 417 »So long as the national flag of any belligerent flies oh the smallest and most insignificant torpedo-boat in the present day, just so long can that country declare that she has still a »fleet in being". »When the Japanese crossed the Yellowsea there were many cruisers and battleships also «large and unlocated" and yet the combinations came off, and the army was landed." »If on the other hand, we are prepared to take the legitimate risk of war, then the expeditionary Force must sail from England within the time specified, convoyed and escorted by that great fleet which is not a defensive but essentially an attacking force." The ideas (usually fathered on Mahan) that the primary objective of a commander must be the enemy's fleet, and that the only place for a fleet is the enemy's coast, are exploded rules- of thumb. The Americans in 1898 did not make the Spanish-Fleet their primary objective, and the Japanese in 1901 despatched their transports under infinitely greater risks before their fleet had even reconnoitred Port-Arthur. The true conception of the matter is to be found in Corbett's «Principles of Maritime Strategy." The primary object of the Higher Strategy of a campaign depends on the nature of the war, and the primary objective of the navy will depend on the primary object of the campaign. Here the primary object of the campaign for the moment seems to have been the safe passage of an expeditionary force, and the primary object of the fleet would then consist in keeping the enemy's fleet from interfering with the operation or approaching the maritime area in which it was been carried out."

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Indisch Militair Tijdschrift | 1912 | | pagina 93