Feb. 1915.] De Groote Oorlog. 1 had previously ordered General Allenby with the Cavalry to act vigorously in advance of my left front and endeavour to take the pressure off. Hiermede had de bevelhebber de algemeene reserve, het eenige middel voor hem om invloed te blijven uitoefenen, uit de hand ge geven. Dit moet reeds vroeg in den morgen geschied zijn, vóór half acht want: About 7.30 a.m. General Allenby received a message from Sir Charles Fergusson, commanding the 5th Division, saying that he was very hard pressed and in urgent need of support. On receipt of this message General Allenby drew in the Cavalry and endeavoured to bring direct support to the 5th Division. During the course of this operation General De Lisle, of the 2nd Cavalry Brigade, thought he saw a good opportunity to pa ralyse the further advance of the enemy's infantry by making a mounted attack on his flank. He formed up and advanced for this purpose, but was held up by wire about 500 yards from his objective, and the 9th Lancers and 18th Hussars suffered severely in the retirement of the Brigade. Deze, door gebrekkige verkenning mislukte charge doet denken aan die van de Fransche kurassiers bij ReichshofenStudie van krijgsgeschiedenis is op zichzelf niet voldoende om herhaling van eenzelfde fout te voorkomen. Ook hier geldt, dat weten nog geen kunnen is. Bij de verdere operatiën heeft de brigade-De Lisle gelegenheid gehad zich van eene betere zijde te doen kennen. The 19th Infantry Brigade, which had been guarding the Line of Communications, was brought up by rail to Valenciennes on the 22nd and 23rd. On the morning of the 24th they were moved out to a position south of Quarouble to support the left flank of the Second Corps. With the assistance of the Cavalry Sir Horace Smith-Dorrien was enabled to effect his retreat to a new position; although, having two corps of the enemy on his front and one threatening his flank, he suffered great losses in doing so. At nightfall the position was occupied by the Second Corps to the west of Bavai, the First Corps to the right. The right was protected by the Fortress of Maubeuge, the left by the 19th Brigade in position between Jenlain and Bry, and the Cavalry on the outer flank. 210

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Indisch Militair Tijdschrift | 1915 | | pagina 102