De Groote Oorlog. Feb. 1915.] The 4th Division commenced its detrainment at Le Cateau on Sunday, the 23rd, and by the morning of the 25th eleven battalions and a Brigade of Artillery with Divisional Staff were available for service. 1 ordered General Snow to move out to take up a position with his right south of Solesmes, his left resting on the Cam- brai-Le Cateau Road south of La Chaprie. In this position the Division rendered great help to the effective retirement of the Second and First Corps to the new position. (Zie schets 4; La Chaprie is op de ons ter beschikking staande kaarten met te vinden). Throughout the 25th and far into the evening, the First Corps continued its march on Landrecies, following the road along the eastern border of the Forêt De Mormal, and arrived at Landrecies about 10 o'clock. I had intended that the Corps should come further west so as to fill up the gap between Le Cateau and Landrecies, but the men were exhausted and could not get further in without rest. The enemy, however, would not allow them this rest, ana about 9.30 p.'m. a report was received that the 4th Guards Brigade in Landrecies was heavily attacked by troops of the 9th German Army Corps, who were coming through the forest on the north of the town. This brigade fought most gallantly, and caused the enemy to suffer tremendous loss in issuing from the forest into the narrow streets of the town. This loss has been estimated from reliable sources at from 700 to 1,000. At the same time information reached me from Sir Douglas Haig that his 1st Division was also heavily engaged south and east of Maroilles. I sent urgent messages to the Commander of the two French Reserve Divisions on my right to come up to the assistance of the First Corps, which they eventually did. Partly owing to this assistance, but mainly to the skilful manner in which Sir Douglas Haig extricated his Corps from an exceptio nally difficult position in the darkness of the night, they were able at dawn to resume their march south towards Wassigny on Guise. Bii about 6 p.m. the Second Corps had got into position with their right on Le Cateau, their left in the neighbourhood of Caudry, and the line of defence was continued thence by the 4th Division towards Seranvillers, the left being thrown back. (Zie schets 4). In het hierboven onderstreepte „eventually" zit weer eenige critiek, die in Engelsche tijdschriften weerklank vindt. Het komt ons voor, dat ook in dit geval de Britsche bevelhebber zich niet tot den juisten persoon om steun richtte. 214

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Indisch Militair Tijdschrift | 1915 | | pagina 106