„Past events and future possibilities" geeft het verloop van de verrich tingen van het Ilde Jap. Leger in den Russ.—Jap. oorlog, zooals die zou den hadden kunnen plaats vinden, wanneer beide partijen de beschikking hadden gehad over een luchtvloot t. b. v. de verkenning, van tanks, gep. auto's, terwijl voor de rest alle art. met paardetractie, was gemotoriseerd. In de beschouwingen treffen we o. a. aan: „It must not be forgotten also that with M. T. large bodies of inf. can move rapidly, and that tanks can easily drive in an ordinary outpost line. It seems, that as the second duty of the outpost line is to delay the enemy long enough to enable the main body to get into position to fight, and that whereas the time required, the outpost occupation of a battle position cannot be ma terially reduced, the outpost to fulfil their duty must either be placed farther away or on the line of some natural feature which affords an efficient obstacle to tanks and mechanically transported inf.1' En verder: „As regards the air service much comment is not required, except a prepa red position should generally be obvious in the photographs taken, alt hough in a scrub-covered country a well trained army would doubtless he very hard to locate from the ai r.'' „Some aspects of the work of the R. A. F. with the B. E. F. in '18" geeft eenige interessante ervaringen omtrent den vliegdienst in den oorlog. Omtrent het werk van de vliegeniers wordt gezegd, dat: „as a rule the best was got out of a pilot by requiring only one flight per day, from him on four days a week, two flights a day on two days, and resting him on the seventh day." Het photographeeren schijntniet zoo gemakkelijk te gaan als soms wel wordt beweerd; „Yet photographic work, in spite of this enormous development, was, at the end of the war, difficult in execution for the pilot and observer, was waste- fully ordered, and did not succeed in helping the frontline troops as much as it should have done. When the photographic machines had got their orders, their oppertunity and had taken the air, the result of the mission was still doubtful. Camera defects, clouds, E. A. pilots' errors spoilt many boxes of plates and made it necessary to arrange a second reconnaissance.'' En hoe lang zal het duren, voordat het opgenomene in beeld is gebracht en ter beschikking van den betrokken comdt is gebracht Omtrent de vliegtuigen welke de opstelling van de eigen troepen moes ten vaststellen wordt aangegeven hoe moeilijk deze taak is; „the inf. frequently were unable to signal either by flare, flags or disc", terwijl zeer vaak de over het veld hangende rook de waarneming bemoeielijkte. in „Inf. require cover from flanking machine-gun fire" geeft Schr. als zijn oorlogservaring weer: „that the real value of cross-fire is the fact that the unit it holds up is not the unit concerned in the actual attack on the guns firing, and therofere the advance of one unit is often directly dependent on the advance of another, and that a „blob" formation and „soft spot" tactics alone will not overcome this difficulty, as the methods advocated as often as not cannot be applied". Tegen deze mitr. zal men Stokes mortieren, of veldgeschut, in werking moeten brengen„as a ge neral rule, 1 do not think that one can fairly pit a Stokes mortar, with its limited range and its great vulnerability against machine-guns, although their value is immense when the situation is favourable." Secties veldge schut en zelfs enkele stukken hadden meer succes, mits het terrein de aantrekking ervan maar toeliet; dit geschut vuurde dan met directe rich ting. Naar Schr.'s meening zal alleen de tank den noodigen steun kunnen verleenen en is de bestudeering van dit wapen een eerste eisch. Verder wordt gewezen op „Crossing of the Canal du Nord", Reflections on the cav. campaign in Palestine" en „Jutland and the principles of war". Art. Monatshefte Mei. Uit „Von der Art. vor Verdun", welk artikel vermeldt welke verrichtingen door dit wapen in den strijd voor Verdun Bij de dit jaar gehouden manoeuvres nabij Melangbong viel dit mede. Red. 80

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Indisch Militair Tijdschrift | 1922 | | pagina 80