599 „Two nations may announce the offensive, the objective and coope ration as being the principles most important to ensure success of an engagement, but their interpretation of these terms may be quite different". Aan het slot van zijn belangwekkend opstel komt schrijver o. a- tot de volgende slotsom „Their leaders are skillful, tireless, calm, and daring. Personal ambition seems lost in devotion to the general success; Night movement and night combat are habitual; There is a singular uniformity of manoeuver, and of reaction in case of success or failure; There is a tendency to complicated plans capable of disruption if opponents combine energetic leadership with skillfull staff work; There is great determination in adhering to a plan and thorough mutual confidence among leaders; They will not yield the initiative regardless of danger at critical points Small reserves and early commitment of these is the rule; They will risk anything, will drive their men to the limit and accept any losses rather than yield a battlefield; but will take no chance of forcing a counter-attack once the enemy definitely breaks off action and retires They are careful and analytical students of the doctrines, methods, organization and equipment of others, but accept and use only those that seem best fitted to their own problems." Uit een in het tijdschritt opgenomen passage uit een Engelsch tijdschrift, citeeren we de volgende blik uit Engelsche oogen op het Verdrag van Washington. „A British Viewpoint. The United States gave up a great deal under the Washington treaty; more, indeed, than perhaps she fully realized in the desire to carry the conference to a successful issue. Her abrogation of the right to develop Guam or the Philippines into modern naval bases meant incurring a serious disability. These are two essential strategical points in any conflict in the Pacific. Japan, on the other hand, gained all that she wanted and probably rather more than she expected at the Washington conference. Through sheer bland insistence she carried her point about being allowed to retain the new 33,000 ton dreadnought Mitsu. She likewise brought about the prohibition of any extension of Hong-Kong. The result is that, unless and until the Singapore scheme materializes, no other power but herself will have a first-class battleship base in the Pacific. There are very good reasons, therefore, why ihe Washington conference should not be regarded in the United States as an undisguised blessing." Revue militaire franqaise. Mai 1925. Kolonel Normand beginteen studie over „Fortications franqaises et allemandes" met het doel een vergelijkingte maken tusschen het doel en de wijze van aanleg der vooroorlogsche perma nente versterkingen in beide landen. Het artikel „A propos d'un jugement allemand sur les conceptions militaires franqaises" van Kolonel Alléhaut wordt vervolgd. Dit IVe gedeelte bevat de tegenwerpingen op de inzichten van generaal von Taysen over de Fransche beginselen betreffende het gebruik van vechtwagens en vliegtuigen en (als meest belangrijk gedeelte) op den invloed der vuuruitwerking bij den aanval van infanterie. Wij halen daaruit aan „Le dogme d'après lequel une infanterie assaillante est désormais impuis- sante a progresser dans la zone de feu d'infanterie du défenseur, si ce dernier n'est pas dominé par un feu supérieur, ce dogme est done admis unanime- ment, et il ne peut pas ne pas l'être; le général von Taysen lui-même ne nous contredira pas. Mais, ce qu'il ne faut pas, e'est que la croyance en dogme entraine la sujétion de l'infanterie aux autres armes, les armes a matériel,

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Indisch Militair Tijdschrift | 1925 | | pagina 55