7. KUSTVERDEDIGING. The Journal of the Royal United Service Institution van No vember 1932 bevat een belangrijke „Army Note" betreffende de reorganisatie van de kunstverdediging van Groot-Brittannië. In verband met de nog veelal verkondigde opvatting, dat de kust verdediging minder tot het domein van de Landmacht behoort, wordt vorenbedoelde „Army Note", waarvan het voornaamste gedeelte hieronder wordt weergegeven, ter lezing aanbevolen. Coast Defence Reorganization. (1) As a result of the investigations made in recent years into the problem of Coast Defence in Great Britain, the Secre tary of State for War in his Memorandum on the Army Estimates for 1932 stated last February that it had been decided to entrust to the Territorial Army the entire responsibility for manning these coast defences, and to reorganize the Territorial Army units so as to bring them into proper relation with the existing seafront armament and lights, and to provide new units for anti-aircraft protection. (2) Geeft de resultaten van een bespreking van verschillende Legerautoriteiten weer, waarbij een bepaald schema werd vast gesteld. (3) The main features of the scheme are as follows (I) It provides for the reorganization of existing Territorial Army Coast Defence units and their allotment to defended ports, in order to bring those into proper relation to the requirements of sea-front armament and lights. (II) It provides the necessary anti-aircraft units, either by the conversion of existing coast defence units, not required for the sea-front defences, or, in certain cases, by the conversion of field and medium artillery batteries which, owing to their proximity to the ports concerned, are suitable placed for immediate man ning duties in war. (6) The new establishments published with the scheme will come into force on 1st October 1932, and units will have com pleted their reorganization by 31st March 1933. 93 „The Territorial Army" is bestemd voor „home defence".

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Indisch Militair Tijdschrift | 1933 | | pagina 93