In de eerste plaats de samenwerking jagers luchtdoelartil lerie. Deze vereischt een nauwkeurige afbakening van het terrein van actie en van de te volgen methode. Generaal Ashmore meldt dienaangaande „Our pilots came in for a great deal of the fire from the ground." (1917). „But one squadron, No 37, while flying on its regular patrolline, came under a heavy fire from the anti-aircraftguns, two of the machines being badly damaged by shell. There was still a good deal to be learnt in combined defence work." (1917). „Careful arrangements were made to ensure that the gun fire and our pilots should really cooperate t|nd should not interfere with each other as had happened so often in former attacks. This en tailed defining a fixed line dividing the two areas of activity. We called it the green line. During such time as any hostile formation is approaching London, all guns outside the green line will normally have priority of action, that is to say, while crossing all gun areas, any formation of our machines will fly to a flank to give unrestricted action to anti-aircraftguns. If, however, at any time, while the hostile formation is crossing these gun areas, the patrol leader considers he has a really favourable opportunity to attack, he will do so, and the anti-aircraftguns will stop firing. Inside the green line our machines will always have priority of action, that is to say, all anti-aircraftguns will give preference to our machines and will fire only up to that time when it becomes plain that our pilots have seen the enemy and are in a position to attack him." (1918). Uit het vorenstaande volgt dat een soepele regeling werd toe gepast, waarbij het gezichtsverband de voornaamste factor was, terwijl voorts de conclusie kan worden getrokken, dat de lucht doelartillerie zich dient te onthouden in al die gevallen, dat voor de jagers een gunstige kans aanwezig is. In de tweede plaats zouden wij reeds hier de aandacht willen vestigen op de kans voor de naburige bevolking op verliezen door eigen vuur van luchtdoelartillerie, welk gevaar niet denkbeeldig is, zooals moge blijken uit de volgende uitlatingen van generaal Ashmore „The fire of the anti-aircraftguns caused some casualties (10 killed, 55 wounded) among our own people, but none of the Gotha's were damaged." (1917). „Increased knowledge among the public of how to take cover from shell fragments, reduced the average casualties, raid by raid, from our own anti-aircraft fire, to less than half those caused in 1917." Overigens komt deze kwestie vanzelf ter sprake bij de lucht bescherming. 674

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Indisch Militair Tijdschrift | 1934 | | pagina 40