Thans weder geschiedenis J. Napoléon Premier Consul. De arbeid, welke den Consuls wachtte, was van buitengewoon grooten omvang. De grondwet moest opnieuw worden geredi geerd, daarna het gansche "binnenlandsche bestuur worden gere geld, op de financiën welke in deplorabelen toestand verkeerden moest orde worden gesteld, de handhaving van de orde en rust in het binnenland eischte dringend verzorging, godsdienstkwesties vroegen om oplossing, en ten slotte was Frankrijk nog steeds in oorlog, en stonden zijn legers van de Hollandsche kust, langs den Rijn en door Zwitserland tot aan de Middellandsche Zee bij Genua. Nadat Sieyès een ontwerp van Grondwet had uitgewerkt, dat NAPOLÉON's instemming niet kreeg, liet hij zelf een ander ontwerp maken, waarin aan een Premier Consul beslissende uit voerende macht werd verleend, terwijl de beide andere Consuls slechts raadgevende stem zouden hebben. Deze haastig samen gestelde en nog zeer gebrekkige Grondwet werd in den nacht van 12/13 December 1799 aangenomen, en onderteekend door de 3 95 „When he wants a new market for his adultered Manchester goods, „he sends a missionary to teach the natives the Gospel of Peace. The „natives kill the missionary he flies to arms in defence of Chris tianity fights for it conquers for it and takes the market as a „reward from heaven. In defence of his island shores, he puts a „chaplain on board his ship nails a flag with a cross on it to his „top-gallant mast and sails to the ends of the earth, sinking, burning „and destroying all who dispute the empire of the seas with him. He „boasts that a slave is free the moment his foot touches British soil „and he sells the children of his poor at six years of age to work „under the lash in his factories for sixteen hours a day. He makes „two revolutions, and then declares war on our one in the name of „law and order. „There is nothing so bad or so good that you will not find English men doing itbut you will never find an Englishman in the wrong. „He does everything on principle. He fights you on patriotic prin ciples he robs you on business principles he enslaves you on „imperial principles he bullies you on manly principles he supports „his king on loyal principles and cuts off his king's head on republican „principles. His watchword is always Duty and he never forgets that „the nation which lets its duty get on the opposite side to its interest „is lost. He „Lady W-w-w-w- Do stop a moment. I want to know how you „make me out to be English at this rate. „Napoléon It's plain enough. You wanted some letters that belonged „to me. You have spent the morning in stealing them yes, stealing „them, by highway robbery. And you have spent the afternoon in „putting me in the wrong about them in assuming that it was I „who wanted to steal your letters in explaining that it all came „about through my meanness and selfishness, and your goodness, „your devotion, your self-sacrifice. That's English."

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Indisch Militair Tijdschrift | 1936 | | pagina 13