van de Mil. Eng. er evenzoo over, getuige de opmerking, dat hij in het geheel niet instemt met de eindconclusie van kap. Winslow, t.w. „the Neutrality Act on the whole is a success". Deze redac teur, kolonel Woolen, beëindigt zijn onderschrift met de volgende bewoordingen 62 We do not lose contact with bellingerents by surrendering rights we merely change the locations of points of contact, without redu cing the friction at those points. There will always be some rights which we shall be absolutely compelled to protect, and their protec tion will be much more difficult if abject retreat persuades other nations that we will not fight under any provocation. Willingness to fight for a right is the first essential to the succesful defense of that right.

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Indisch Militair Tijdschrift | 1938 | | pagina 62