LIJST VAN BOEKWERKEN» welke door Bibliotheek van het Departement van Oorlog zijn aangekocht of ten geschenke ontvangen gedurende de maanden April tot en met Juli 1941* Letter Nr. Naam van den schrijver en titel van het werk. A°. b. 201. Kaufman, Th. N. Germany must perish. New Yersey, Argyle Press, 1941. 1 deel 1 band. A°. b. 202. Spiers, R. The inside story. New York, Prentice Hall, 1940. 1 deel 1 band. A. a. 213. Muller, H. R. Ie. Technique of modem arms. Harrisburg, The military service publishing Cie., 1940. 1 deel 1 band. A. b. 28. Wood, S. A. Riot control by the national guard. Harrisburg, The military service publishing Cie., 1940. 1 deel 1 band. B. a. 78. Willoughby, Ch. A. Maneuver in war. Harrisburg, The military service publishing Cie., 1940. 1 deel 1 band. B. a. 79. Phillips, Th. R. Roots of strategy. (A collection of military classics). Harrisburg, Military Service Publishing Cie., 1941. 1 deel 1 band. C. d. 4. d. 1. 154. American armies and battlefields in Europe. A history, guide, and reference book. U. S. Government printing office 1938. 1 deel 1 band. C. d. 5. a. 2. Allison Peers, E. The Spanish dilemma. London, Methuen Co., 140. 1 deel 1 band. C. d. 5. b. 4. Snow, E. The battle for Asia. New York, Random House, 1941. 1 deel 1 band. C. d. 5. b. 5. Chamberlin, W. H. Japan in China. London, Duckworth, 1940. 1 deel 1 band. C- d. 5. c. a. 4. Medlicott, W. N. The origins of the second great war. London, G. Bell and Sons, 1940. 1 deel 1 band. C. d. 5. c. a- 5. Medlicott, W. N. British foreign policy since Versailles. London, Methuen Co., 1940. 1 deel 1 band. C. d. 5. c. a. 6. Churchill, W. Blood, sweat and tears. New York, Putnam's sons, 1941. 1 deel 1 band. C. d. 5. c a. 7. Necker, W. Nazi Germany can't win. London, Lindsday Drummond, 1939, 1 deel 1 band. C. d. 5. c. b. 4. The Penguin Hansard. Volume 2 The national effort. House of Commons. Official report of parliamentary debates. New York, Allen Lane, 1940. 1 deel 1 band.

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Indisch Militair Tijdschrift | 1941 | | pagina 123