1 OPGAVE VAN DE VOORNAAMSTE ARTIKELEN UIT TIJDSCHRIFTEN, WELKE GEDURENDE DE MAANDEN JULI TOT EN MET OCTOBER 1941 ZIJN ONTVANGEN. Army Ordnance. July-August. 1941. The battle of production. Diggers, J. D. Railway artillery, (an outmoded element of our seacoast defense?) Hagood, J. Industry at arms. (Photo's). The modern scout car. A new armored vehicle of increased fire power and mobility. Hiller, Ch. Defense strikes. Our new medium tank. A fast, heavily armored vehicle of great fire power. Christmas, J. K. Armament eneineering. The ordnance research and advisory committees. Barnes, G. M. Army Ordnance. September-October 1941. Ordnance ön the march. Patterson, R. P. Ammunition at the front. Crain, J. K. Half-tracks for mobility. Mclnerney, J. E. B. Weapons depend on gages, (pictorial). Air power and coast defense. Phillips, T. R. A new light rifle. Studler, R. R. Army Quarterly. January 1941. The development of German strategy. Edmonds, J. The war at sea. September-November 1940. The second German war. October-December 1940. Axis manoeuvres in the Balkans and the Greek-Italian campaign. Watteville, H. de. Defense tactics. Campbell, A. E. H. The German defeat in 1918. How Ludendorff tried to exonerate the Army. Engineers in the Blitzkrieg. Thompson, P. W. Junior leadership. The Elizabethan medical service. A high-numbered German Division from birth to death. A soldier of old Austria. The reminiscences of general Freiherr von Bardolff. Boy regiments and boy officers. Edwards, T. J. Schlieffen as an instructor. Two crossings of the Danube in 1916. The Army Quarterly. April 1941. The Warsaw campaign, October 1914. Edmonds, J. E. Thoughts on leadership. Military and civil. The war at sea. December 1940-February 1941. Eclipse of a division. Crockett, C. I. (The low countries). The R.A.F. in the first half of the second year of war. Fellowes, P. F. M. Selection and education of an officer. Hutchison, G. S. General Wetzell's plan for 1914. Moltke and Conrad. The problems of higher leadership. The dominions at waractive phase. Cowie, D. A diary of events in France and Belgium. September 1939-May 1940.

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Indisch Militair Tijdschrift | 1942 | | pagina 99