18SQ, 120SQ EN PEP Coert Munlc HERDENKINGSPLAQUETTE VOOR Op 22 februari 2003 werd op de RAAF Memorial Grove een herdenkingsplaquette onthuld waarmee de NederlandsAustralische luchtmachteenheden worden geëerd die tijdens WWII op de Fairbairn Airbase bij Canberra waren gestationeerd. De ceremonie was onderdeel van een grotere plechtigheid waarbij de RAAF Memorial Grove opnieuw werd ingewijd. Circa 280 personen woonden de plechtigheid bij, waaronder de Australische Chief of Airforce, Air Marshall Angus Houston. De Nederlandse ambassadeur Dr Hans Sondaal was een van de twee sprekers bij de plechtigheid. De Nederlandse inbreng in de RAAF wordt daarmee nog eens onderstreept. De ambassade bood de aanwezigen na afloop van de ceremonie een hapje en een drankje aan, wat zeer werd gewaardeerd. Onderstaand is de toespraak van Dr Sondaal weergegeven. Ladies and Gentlemen. Recently I took my daughters to see the second film in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Those present here may not be avid film goers, but they will be aware of Tolkien's brilliant book on which these films are based. The story is the oldest story in the world; the battle between the forces of good and the forces of evil. Even though the third and final film of this story has not come out yet, I am sure of its ending; the forces of good will prevail, after a long and arduous struggle. It is a very powerful film and perhaps the most impressive part is the all-pervasive threat of the Evil Power we never get to see, Sauron of Mordor. Whenever I became aware of these oppressive feelings during the show, my thoughts went back to the Second World War. In those days also the world was under the grave threat of malevolent forces intent on the destruction of freedom, the NETHERLANDS EAST INDIES ARMY - RAAF FLYING UNITS De herdenkingsplaquette op RAAF Memorial Grove. obliteration of faith and hope, and the elimination of all those considered unfit to live. Exactly like in Tolkien's book the world was aware of unseen sinister forces intent on the domination of the world. The fight against those powers was a clear struggle between the forces of good and the forces of evil. Tolkien wrote the book in the nineteen thirties, clearly drawing on his experiences in the First World War. Today, however, it is the force of its prediction of events to come that impresses us most, rather than its reflection of the horrors of trench warfare in Flanders. The Second World War still has a hold over us, even those of us born after the war. This hold, I believe, can be attributed to the clear and unambiguous nature of that confict. Those at the forefront of that struggle - the soldiers, sailors and air men, and statesmen like Churchill, Roosevelt and Curtin, are true and undisputed heroes. Truly, the Second World War was the pivotal event of the last century. Today we have come together to honour a particular group of men who took part in that struggle - those who served in 9 During WWII Dutch servicemen from Indonesia (then the Netherlands East Indies) form three flying units in Canberra - No. 18 Squadron with B25 Mitchell bombers, No. 12 Squadron with P40 Kittyhawk fighters, and a support unit (the Personnel and Equipme Pool) which flew both aircraft types at Fairbairn until war's end. Operating as Dutch unl within the RAAF, they flew Dutch owned aircraft, were commanded by Dutch officers, we part-manned by RAAF personnel, and under RAAF operational command. During 1943 - 45, 18 Squadron Mitchells flew from Batchelor and other northern airflel on reconnaissance, bombing and anti-shipping missions in and around the Timor ar Arafura Seas. No. 120 Squadron operated mostly from Merauke in West New Guinea, flyii air defence, anti-shipping and ground attack missions. Their efforts helped establish vit allied air and maritime superiority in the region, but the cost was high, with combim losses of 118 men, both Dutch and Australian, by war's end. LEST WE FORGET ROYAL NETHERLANDS EMBASSY FEBRUARI 3003 NEW UINEA Arafura Sea Timor Sea CAIRNS This plaque commemorates the Dutch flying units established In Canberra during WWII. No. 18 (N.E.I.) Squadron, RAAF, formed on 4 April 1942 No. 120 (N.E.I.) Squadron, RAAF, formed on 1 September 1943 Personnel and Equipment Pool (PEP), Formed on 1 September 1943 It recognises the commitment of all Dutch and Australian personnel who served in thl units and honours those among them who died in the Pacific War.

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