500 British authorities in Europe rendering it expedient that the said power should, for the present, reside in some accessible quarter, it is declared that the Lieutenant Governor shall have full power and authority to pass such legislative re gulations, as on deliberation and after due consultation and advice may appear to him indispensibly necessaryand that they shall have the full force of law. But the same shall be immediately reported to the Governor General in council in Bengaltogether with the Lieutenant Governor's reasons for passing the said regulation, and any representations that may have been submitted to him against the same; and the regulations so passed will be confirmed or disallowed by the Governor General in council with the shortest possible delay. The mode in which the Lieutenant Governor shall he assisted with advice will hereafter be made known and such regula tions will hereafter be framed as may be thought more con ducive to the prompt, pure and impartial administration of justicecivil and criminal. 6. Regulations respecting the paper currency as well as the relative value of coins circulating in Javawill be published in a separate paper of this date. SignedMixto. Done at Molenvliet the 11th September 1811, by His Ex cellency the Governor General of British India. Deze proclamatie is tevinden in vol. I (from September 1811 to September 1813) der „Proclamations, regulations, adverfcissements and orders, printed and published in the island of Java, bij the British Government and under its authority," Batavia, printed bij A. H. Hub bard, at the Honorable Company's Printing Office. 1813. Dit werk ge werd mij door de welwillende tusschenkomst van den hulpvaardigen sous chef der afdeeling statistiek van de Algemeene Secretariealwaar ook het Oud-Koloniaal archief bewaard wordt. Hetzelfde werk is wellicht ook te vinden in de boekerij van het Bataviaasch genootschap van kunsten en wetenschappen. Zij, die van dezen oorlog eene studie maken, zullen er ook in vermeld vinden de voorwaarden van capitulatieop den 17en September 1811 te Oenarang gesloten tusschen den Gouver neur-Generaal Janssens en den Luitenant-Generaal Auchmuty. Voor hen is het dus niet noodig, die capitulatie hier over te schrijven. N.

Tijdschriftenviewer Nederlands Militair Erfgoed

Indisch Militair Tijdschrift | 1879 | | pagina 511