- 139 en Atjeli en Onderhoorigheden(1) instructiën, door militaire autori teiten ontworpen, waarbij vaak bet militair gezag onvoorwaardelijk ondergeschikt gesteld werd aan het civiel gezag! De voorbeelden hiervan behoeven te dezer plaatse niet herhaald te worden. Zóó ver als men in Nederlandsch-Indiê gegaan is, om het militair aan het civiel gezag ondergeschikt te maken, ging men zelfs en dit wil wat zeggenin Britscli-Indië niet. In de „Bengal army regulations" vonden wij de verhouding tusschen het militair en civiel gezag in een o. i. onberispelijk reglement aangegeven, dat voor Nederlandscli- Indië onvoorwaardelijke navolging verdient. „The civil officer is vested with authority to call upon the military commander for the service of the troops under his command, whenever, in the judgment of sucli civil officer, the public interests of the Govern ment may require such a measure, and it is the absolute duty of the military officer to whom such requisition is adressed, whoever and what ever he may be, forthwith to comply with the same. It is not competent for him to enter into any discussion upon the merits of the measure pro posed, or to take any cognizance whatever of its policy, justice, or necessity." „It is for the civil officer, and him alone, to judge of the policy, the justice, or the necessity of the measure. For these he alone is respon sible to the government he serves; and he is not called upon in duty either to justify his conclusions or to communicate his reasons to the military officer to whom he may adress the requisitions for troops. Although such manifestations of confidence and cordiality are always to he desired, he is only required hij his strict duty to state distinctly (in writing) the service he desired to see performed and the necessity of troops for the purpose, and to afford such further information as may he necessary to enable the officer in command efficiently to perform the service he is called upon to execute." „The civil or political officer is not authorized to interfere in anyway with the formation or details of the force, the military officer being held responsible for the success of the operations to be undertaken; and it is for the latter, and for him alone, to judge in what manner the troops shall effect the object which the civil officer has indicated, and to direct the force in the execution of the service in which it is engaged." (1) Zie „Indisch Militair Tijdschrift," jaargang 1SS1, afl. 7, rubriek Boekbeschou wing.

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Indisch Militair Tijdschrift | 1883 | | pagina 150