404 Article VIII. That the landing of the requisite number of the Japanese officers and men on the Island of Liu-kung, in order to take possession of the forts and the materials of war on the island, should commence from 9 o'clock a. m. on the 16th February 1895 (22nd January of the Chinese calendar), but that Admiral Ito reserves to himself the right of sending a certain number of Japanese men- of- war into the harbour whenever the necessity occurs at any time after the signing of the present stipulations. The naval officers, both native and foreign, on board the Chinese vessels, may remain therein until 9 o'clock a. m. of the 16th February 1895 (22nd January of the Chinese calendar). These marines, soldiers, seamen, etc. on board the same vessels, that wish to be escorted out Wei-hai-wei bij land should be landed in the same place, and es corted in the same way as the soldiers of the landforces, the landing to begin from the noon of the 15th February 1895 (21st January of the Chinese calendar), that is to say, after the landing of the land- forces is finished. Article IX. That women, children, aged persons and other non-combatants, that wish to leave the Island of Liu-kung, should be allowed to sail out of the eastern or western mouth of the harbour in Chinese junks any time after the morning of the 15th February 1895 (21st January of the Chinese calendar). These vessels are, however, to be examined by the Japanese naval officers and men in the torpedoboats or other boats, posted at the mouth of the harbour, the examination extending to both persons and baggage. Article X. That the coffins of the lamented admiral Ting and the officers next to him should be allowed to be carried out of the harbour after the noon of the 16th February 1895 (22nd January of the Chinese calendar) and before the noon of the 23rd February 1895 (29th January of the Chinese calendar) in the steamship Kwang-tsi, which Admiral Ito desists from taking possession of, and lays at the disposal of

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Indisch Militair Tijdschrift | 1895 | | pagina 431