513 te boven gaat, zulks officieel desgewenscht schriftelijk - mede te deelen aan den civielen ambtenaar, die alsdan gehouden is, bedoelde opdracht met den detachementscommandant te wijzigen. 7. Zooals uit het vorenstaande blijkt, gaan de hierbedoelde detache menten niet uit met het bepaalde doel, vijandelijkheden te plegen of versterkingen, die zich hier of daar mochten bevinden, te nemen; mocht hiertoe worden overgegaan, dan dient vooraf daartoe door den civielen ambtenaar een gemotiveerd voorstel aan den Gouverneur van dit gewest te worden gedaan en wordt in deze beslist in overleg met den geweste lijken militairen commandant. Yoor het Britsch-Indische leger vindt men o. a. in de „Regula tions and Orders for the army of the Bengal Presidency" onder het hoofd Duties in aid of the civil Power zeer goede bepalingen vast gesteld op den bijstand van het burgerlijk bestuur door de krijgsmacht, zooals uit de ondervolgende moge blijken. 1. Cordiality between military and civil authorities. The authority with which military officers are invested, must never be exerted in competi tion with, or opposition to that of the civil power. Should limits of authority become the subject of dispute between civil and military officers the government of India is alone competent to decide the question at issue. 10. Military aid to be granted whenever required. Commanding officers are not to exercise any discretion in granting or withholding military aid, which may be officially applied for by the civil or politi cal authorities of their districts, for the maintenance of the peace, or for any other emergency; but are immediately to furnish the same, determining the nature and strength of the force which would be em ployed from a consideration of the duty to be performed, the strength and resources of the party against whom the troops are to act, and all known obstacles to be encountered, points on which the civil autho rity making the application is required to inform the commanding officer as fully and circumstantially as may be practicable. 11. Civil officers to apply for aid from military authorities. The civil officer is vested with authority to call upon the military comman der for the services of the troops under his command, whenever, in the judgment of such civil officer, the public interests of the government may require such a measureand it, is the absolute duty of the military officer to whom such requisition is adressed, whoever and whatever he may be, forthwith to comply with the same. It is not competent for him to enter into any discussion upon the merits of the measure proposed, or to take any cognizance whatever of its policy, justice, or necessity.

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Indisch Militair Tijdschrift | 1897 | | pagina 32