De Groote Oorlog. [Feb. 1915. Uit dat „vroeg in den morgen" zou men afleiden, dat die cavalerie een nachtmarsch gemaakt had, wel het fnuikendste wat cavalerie kan doen. Van Avesnes, ten N. waarvan die ruiterij den 24sten tegen den avond ingekwartierd was, tot den uitersten linkervleugel van de Britsche opstelling bij Séranvillers is de afstand hemelsbreed ruim 46 K.M. Aangezien Gen. Sordêt zijne ruiterij achterom de Britsche stelling zal hebben moeten voeren, zal zij heel wat meer dan die 46 K. M. hebben afgelegd. Van rechtstreekschen steun door andere Fransche troepen spreekt het Rapport niet, hoewel in de mededeelingen van het Duitsche Hoofdkwartier, die men straks zal lezen, wordt gesproken van „die englische Armee, der sich drei französische Territorial-Divisionen i) angeschlossen hatten", terwijl ir. het hiervoren geciteerde communi qué staat „les lignes anglaises renforcées par des troupes framjaises". At daybreak it became apparent that the enemy was throwing the bulk of his strength against the left of the position occupied by the Second Corps and the 4th Division. At this time the guns of four German Army Corps were in position against them, and Sir Horace Smith-Dorrien reported to me that he judged it impossible to continue his retirement at daybreak (as ordered) in face of such an attack. 1 sent him orders to use his utmost endeavours to break off the action and retire at the earliest possible moment, as it was impossible for me to send him any support, the First Corps being at the moment incapable of movement. d. w. z. het le korps trok maar steeds terug. There had been no time to entrench the position properly, but the troops showed a magnificent front to the terrible fire which confronted them. The artillery, although outmatched by at least four to one, made a splendid fight, and inflicted heavy losses on their oppo nents. At length it became apparent that, if complete annihilation was to be avoided, a retirement must be attempted; and the order was given to commence it about 3.30 p.m. The move ment was covered with the most devoted intrepidity and deter mination by the Artillery, which had itself suffered heavily, and the fine work done by the Cavalry in the further retreat from 1) Zal wel moeten gelezen worden: reserve-divisiën. 217

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Indisch Militair Tijdschrift | 1915 | | pagina 109