üuerzicht ouer eenige buiteniandscfie militaire tijdscbriiten. Inhoudsopgave van The journal of the R. U. SInstitution van Mei j.l. The Irish troops in the service of Spain, 1709-1818. German raids on the British trenches near La Boiselle April 11th 1916 The navy of Spain at the end of the 16th century. Extracts from the diary of an officer of the Königsberg. Notes from the international Agence des prisonniers'at Geneva. The exodus. The British with Turenne in Alsace (1674-5). Army reorganization. The United States and the Far East. Voorts de gewone rubrieken. 753 1

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Indisch Militair Tijdschrift | 1918 | | pagina 91