386 „damage that aircraft prove themselves able to inflict on surface ships but „may derive from the threat of damage alone.1) If the „restriction is as great as it may well be, its hampering effect on the opera tions of present day fleets will be very serious." Betwijfeld wordt, of de Britsche vloot nog wel de Engelsche belangen in de Middellandsche Zee kan verdedigen, daar dit zeegebied in de coastal zones van andere mogendheden ligt. In dat geval zouden de Britsche scheep vaartroutes om de Kaap dienen te worden omgelegd en dan dient deze route door vlootbases, in de eerste plaats in Z. Afrika, te worden beschermd. Een overzeesche expeditie door een vijandelijke coastal zone zou volgens schrijver practisch niet uitvoerbaar kunnen blijken; evenmin een landing op een vijandelijke kust.2) „There can be little doubt that the effect of the air is very much in „favour of the defence. Whether the increase in defensive power will be „decisive cannot be known for certain until the next occasion on which „an invader seeks to set foot on his enemy's beaches. Is is conceivable, „however, that the defence of a country against overseas invasion might „be adequately conducted by its air forces alone". Schrijver wijst er op, dat omtrent den invlced van het luchtwapen nog geen ervaring bestaatdoch hij waarschuwt voor onderschatting. „Even if shore-based aircraft do not prove to be too much for battle-ships, „their influence on naval operations may still be extensive. The more „effective they show themselves to be against battle-ships, the less inclined ,will modem battle-fleets be to penetrate their adversary's coastal zone. „If aircraft prove themselves to be sufficiently dangerous to battle-ships, „the effect may be to keep the present-day battle-fleets from venturing „inside the hostile coastal zone at all. „As a matter of fact, it does not necessarily follow that the aircraft „will have to demonstrate beyond doubt its ability to inflict serious damage „on the battle-ship for the latter to regard the enemy's coastal zone as „forbidden ground. In the last war the threat of the mine was quite enough „to keep battle-fleets outside, not merely mined waters, but waters which „were declared to be mined. The invention of the protector paravane in „the middle of the war gave surface vessels a considerable measure of „protection against the mine but that made no difference to their reluc tance to venture over mine-fields". Hoewel „The Art of the Admiral" enkele uitspraken bevat, die aan vechtbaar zijn, kan een nadere bestudeering ten zeerste worden aan bevolen. G. Spatieering van ons. G. Cursiveering van ons. G.

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Indisch Militair Tijdschrift | 1938 | | pagina 78